Thursday, July 5, 2007

Our Land Manager AFK forever from the Second Life® world!

James Gill, Blackwater Gallery's land manager and builder of the Blackwater Gallery teleport signs, is leaving the Second Life® world. He is selling all his own lands; this includes the wonderful New Orleans build (NOLA) , the ice castle, and the Sabre train station. along with many other builds around the Second Life® world. James ran many trains along the SLRR tracks.
In fact here I am in one of Madcow Cosmos' wonderful av's riding atop one of James' trains!

Dinotrain Returns

and here is a YouTube video someone has made about his trains:

This is a great loss to the gallery, and to us. Anna Tsiolkovsky sits atop his memorial marker in Heaton.

James was one of the most active and outspoken members of the Second Life® world's Arbor Project, founded by Xerses Goff. Xerses will continue on as land manager for some of my other lands. James Gill was another casualty of the ad farm invasions in the Second Life® world. Here are some other references to his work for the Second Life® world and his departure on the net :

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